Medium is a contemporary textile studio that experiments with artisanal and traditional crafts. Project 1.6 has closely worked with Medium to develop their concepts and build a strong voice for their collections.

Creative Concepts
and Copywriting

Drapes of airy chanderi, organza and chiffon embody simple natural elements, like the florals that on wind and air.

She teases and toes every line that’s been drawn for her and just because she can. You can ask her, but she will never leave the garden of mischief.

I am: walking back to learn and re-learn

I am: Expanding and shining in all my glory.

I am: Jumping sky high, euphoria spilling out of my pores


In the early 90’s the Rani was on one of her annual vacations to India when she was ‘spotted’ and shot for a Bombay Dyeing campaign. She was suddenly the new girl everybody wanted to work with. It was the beginning of a very simple ideology: That life was for her. Not against her.